Sociolinguistics of Minority Languages
- Orazi Veronica
- Landa Diestro Juan
The aim of the research group consists of the descriptive study of the effects of some aspects of society on the way minority languages are used.
The object of analysis is mainly culture and teaching in different contextual environments, code-switching, regional or gender variables, giving special attention to Catalan. The study is focused on the way literature and teaching reflect the sociolinguistic situation and evolution of this specific minority language.
The start-up working phase culminated with the publication of some studies on how contemporary Catalan drama reveals for a diversified audience the sociolinguistic tendencies of Catalan language, also referring to the bilingual reality of Catalonia and also how the teaching practice of Catalan as a second language to non-Spanish speakers reflects and must take into consideration current sociolinguistic changes and phenomena.
Edition of a monograph;
- 6 articles;
- 8 papers in international congresses.
International cooperation with italian and foreign Experts/Departments/Institutions:
IRL – Institut Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Director prof. Àlex Susana
Dep. de Filologia Catalana, Universitat de Barcelona, prof. Andreu Bosch i Rodoreda
AVL – Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, València, Director, prof. Ramon Ferrer Navarro
Dep. de Filologia Catalana, Universitat de València, prof. Emili Casanova